Catalina Island Oddities

We have...

  • A Casino with no gambling - The Catalina Casino was built in 1929 as a place of gathering.
  • A bird park with no birds - Avalon Bird Park, once a famous spot, closed down in 1966.
  • A post office with no mail delivery - Residents pick up their mail at the post office. 
  • A 3rd Street, but no 1st or 2nd streets - Learn more about the naming of Catalina's streets.
  • A mausoleum with no body - Wm. Wrigley, Jr. was briefly interned at the Wrigley Memorial before being moved to Glendale, CA.
  • Barracks with no soldiers - The Union Barracks, dating back to the Civil War, are still standing in Two Harbors.
  • Birds that swim
  • Fish that fly - Have you ever seen a Flying Fish? Take one of our tours this summer.
  • There are no stop lights on the island
  • There is a 20+ year waiting list to own a full-size vehicle - Most residents travel by golf cart.
  • There is a wandering herd of non native bison that roam the island 
  • Buffalo Milk is the island cocktail of choice

Speak Like a Local

"Overtown" - How locals refer to the mainland

"Front Street" - Officially known and found on Google maps as Crescent Ave.

"The Hills" - Interior or Backcountry of the island

"Interior" - Any part of the island not in Avalon or Two Harbors, which is about 88% of the island

"The Flats" - Streets located in the lower half or flat area of Avalon

"The Mole" - Not a subterranean animal but wher the passenger ferry boats dock


Fun Island Facts

Catalina Island is part of Los Angeles County, and Avalon, incorporated in 1913, was the 30th city in the county.


Catalina Island has a long and interesting history dating back to the Spanish Empire. Catalina Island was once owed by William Wrigley, Jr. of Wrigley Chewing…

Visitors Guide

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